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Union history

1. Geographical location: Adhamdighi Union Parishad is located at 01 Kidhidur upazila on the eastern side of Bogra district, Adamdighi upazila.
2. Population: - The population is approximately 35,000 (thirty five thousand). Literacy rate - 90% 93% Muslims, 10% Hindu, and 1% other religious people.
3. Education and Culture - The rate of education in this union is 90%. There are 5 colleges, 5 secondary schools, 27 government primary schools and 1 dakhil madrasa 5 orphan dahana one disabled school. In these educational institutes, children and adolescent girls were taught songs and music. The songs and songs are organized by these students.
4. Contact: - Admdighi Union Parishad office 1 km away from Admdighi upazila on the north side of the south side.
5. Agriculture: 80% of the population of Adamdighi union is dependent on agriculture. There is abundant cultivation of rice, wheat, mustard, potato and vegetables, which are sent to different areas of the country even after the demand of this area is met.