Village court
With regard to obtaining justice for the common people of the rural areas, independence of Bangladesh was made in 1976 by the Village Court Ordinance. Later on, on 9th May, 196, the Village Court Act was enacted by law. The main point of this law is that local dispute is settled. People are benefiting
A court that was formed under the Union Parishad to settle the disputes of certain small and small civil and criminal disputes in the countryside that the court is called as a village court. Village Court will be formed under the Village Court Act 2006. In the short term, at the very least, the purpose of the village court is to settle small disputes quickly and locally. The village courts law has been implemented from 09 May 2006. Village court is formed in coordination with 5 (five) representatives. They are the chairman of the concerned Union Parishad, two representatives of the applicant's party (1 member of the union council and one prominent person) two representatives of the protesting party (1 member of the union council and one of the dignitaries)
Criminal matters
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS